UDRI High Temple

2025 High Temple Workshop

10 - 13 February 2025

Renaissance Asheville Downtown Hotel

Asheville, NC

The High Temple Workshop provides opportunities for the high temperature composites community to learn, evaluate and review current advances impacting the community.

Renaissance Asheville Downtown Hotel | Asheville, NC | 10-13 February 2025. All sessions will be unclassified.

Abstracts for the 41st High Temple Workshop can now be submitted! 

The invitation package for the 44th High Temple Workshop will be available in October 2024.

Registration for the 44th High Temple Workshop will be available later this year.

A more detailed preliminary agenda will be released in October 2024.

The High Temple Workshop Database is fully operational under the National Materials Information System (NAMIS) database managed by the Defense Systems Information Analysis Center (DSIAC). Any questions should be submitted to Mr. Ted Welsh at ted.welsh@dsiac.org.

The High Temple Workshop will be seeking Technical Sponsors for the 44th High Temple Workshop. Additional information will be available soon.

Important contact information for High Temple.